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Book I, Part I
It Is a dark time for the galaxy. It's been yoars since the fall of the Republic, when Chancellor Ralpatine gave ORDER 66, wiping out the peace-keeping 1EDI ORDER and rising to the role of Emperor.
Since then, the Emperor and his Imperial forces have ruled the

Book I, Part I THE LAST PAD AW AN It Is a dark time for the galaxy. It's been yoars since the fall of the Republic, when Chancellor Ralpatine gave ORDER 66, wiping out the peace-keeping 1EDI ORDER and rising to the role of Emperor. Since then, the Emperor and his Imperial forces have ruled the galaxy with an iron fist. The people have lived under the yoke of Imperial oppression and the sparks of rebellion have begun in secret. Small clusters of rebels have begun fighting for freedom. One such rebel band is home to KAN AN JARRUS, a mysterious former Jedi who has spent years hiding his Force powers and lightsaber. Not even his companions know his true past, that he was once a young Jedi Padawan named CALEB DUME, fighting in the Clone Wars under his master, DEPA BILLABA.... GREG WEISMAN PEPE LARRAZ DAVID CURIEL MARK BROOKS Writer Artist Colors Cover VC’s JOE CARAMAGNA HEATHER ANTOS & JORDAN D. WHITE Letterer CHARLES BEACHAM Editor Assistant Editors C.B. CEBULSKI & AXEL JOE DAN MIKEMARTS ALONSO QUESADA BUCKLEY Executive Editors Editor In Chief Chief Creative Officer Publisher For Lucasfilm; Creative Director MICHAEL SIGLAIN Senior Editor JENNIFER HEDDLE Lucasfilm Story Group RAYNE ROBERTS, PABLO HIDALGO, LELANDCHEE
Звездные Войны,Star Wars,фэндомы,Star Wars Rebels,SW сериалы,SW Comics,удалённое
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