Suhlighi drive exhaust Sensor processing systems Fuel lank stores Falcon \ highly unstable dangerous liquid metal fuel Warp vortex stabilizer Deflector shield xiliary :eleration npcnsaior
Companmentul bias: I-aider between decks 'l\*in stairwell down lo rrae deployment hatch Troop cabin life-suppuit systems. Troops 'it eagerly awaiting haute Ladder* to upper troop hatches Smaller cockpit Internal gearing I of wheel segments Main ilrinr'shonrtm.-*. along almost the/hlh-^ length within the undercarriage Kf.Mor and Formidable Blasting Juggernauts are designed to deliver tremendous firepower in order to overwhelm well-shielded military structures, some of which can withstand a lone Juggernaut's barrage for hours. However, with an unshielded target, a Juggernaut can blast the heal of a nuclear bomb into one small spot, creating a blazing fireball. Five gunnery ct.it ions with immersive holographic helmet fire controls Thermally superconducting .inner absorb* enemy beams an«J spread* heat harmlessly over a wide area_ Flip-down entry lo smaller cockpit Rapid-repenting heavy laser Data File Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards Make: HAVw A6 Juggernaut Dimensions: Length 49.4 m (162 ft); width 19.6 m (64.2 ft): height 30.4 m (99.6 ft) Max. landspecd: 160 kph (99 mph) Crew: 12 (excluding gunners) Passengers: 50-300 depending on internal configuration Consumables: 20 days provisions; fuel for 30.000 km (18.641 miles) Armament: I heavy laser cannon turret; 1 rapid repeating laser cannon; 2 medium antipersonnel laser cannons; 2 twin blaster cannons; 2 rocket/grenade launchers—variable yield, 30 km (19.6 miles) range kvrsalilc wheel segments ca spin at different rates Double-Headed Monster Each of a Juggernaut’s wheels consists of three versatile, independently spinning segments, which enable the hulking vehicle to move smoothly across even the most inhospitable terrain. The vehicle can also reverse direction easily, moving equally well in forward and reverse gears. Either cockpit can assume full control, which has led to much debate among Juggernaut clone crews as to which cockpit is the true "front" end. The large surface i>f the Juggernaut's wheel liclp* to reduce ground pressure. This nuke* the vehicle less prone to sinking in soft «oil than the lieuvy AT-TE (All Terrain Tactical Enforcer) or AT-HB (All Terrain Heavy Enforcer), where :he weight is supported by »miller, narrow feet Independent wheel suspension —_ Surface »coring from hit by dwarf spider droid —_ Medium antipersonnel laser-cannon shift extends from hull Power trank routes energy to blaster can non Upper heavy laser cannon turret has best all-round view Retractable rocket/ grenade launcher 20 Ammunition loading hatch >p!it> into separate halves for partial cover I Spotlights Pilots WVJU lighter aimot for bet tor articulation while seated Power oelL Steering controls scanner Control and. Navigator Shoulder suspension Trooper's divisional heraldic pattern lierotes past battle honors under Jedi command Upper elbow actuator and suspension Mid-leg • actuators Cutting/ grappling claw Retractable I . I.!.-: Mast can telescope up Of down when rongs arc retracted Rolling War-Machine Although wheeled transport may seem like a graceless system from a prehistoric age, a Juggernaut's direct ground contact protects it from electromagnetic attacks and shield discharges. It can also stop and turn in a smaller radius than any repulsorlift craft, crushing dwarf spider droids or battle droids under its treads. Nearly impenetrable armor and an arsenal of beam and missile weapons make it a match for most ground-based war machines. Obscrvaikm pod provides greater visibility than is powible at hull height Clone casualties attended to by 2-IB mcibeal droid Large dome lurch covers scanner gear Communications di'h Safely blavt dooe separates cwipii from odicr sections Cocnm&nthng ofljoer* obscrvaiioo lurch, often occupied by a Jedi Terrain navigation ss sir nu Twin antipersonnel blaster cannons Juggernaut Juggernaut! The very name of these rolling giants calls up memories of crushing defeat for the galaxy’s quintillions of battle droids and their Separatist masters. Each of the Galactic Republic’s UAVw A6 Juggernauts is a monstrous, ten-wheeled, armored box. built around a powerful reactor core and engine, with blasters and grenade launchers on every side. As well as being a front-line assault vehicle, these hulks provide secure shelter and transport for a company of dedicated clone troopers. The rugged and powerful Juggernauts are the well-chosen backbone of the clone armies. Under the command of Jedi Master Yoda, they form the most integral pan of a dogged campaign to eject battle droid invaders from the strategic Wookicc world of Kashyyyk. AT-RT Walker The All Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT) is an armed, mobile platform for a single soldier on a patrol or reconnaissance mission. These walkers support policing actions in dense civilian areas, and arc also used in cooling battle zones. A lightweight body makes it faster than the rarer one-man AT-FI (All Terrain Personal Transport). Lacking an enclosed cabin, the driver enjoys a clear view, but is exposed to small-arms fire. , The AT-RT'n blaster cannon is devastating against infantry, but weak against the armor of tank, spider, and crab droids. Enhanced hclncl I comlink Comrnt antenna Exhaust baffles I AnnpreiUfanvpdiivtcel • "j vScwpori , t Jaw kvwef^tn reveal t* Ivvll! Ilfclxicf C.innonv %*>:?:, • ,.lv>fl- and right-vide gunners , corrpcic over droid kill-scorcs Powerful licjdligbxv wan terrain using viubte and invisible beams of light L_Cootmg vents Uiver cannon Cvoidiivilkni and posture controller power unil
Wizard’s Tower Shortly before the Coruscant strike. Invisible Hand's main communications and sensor pod was refitted as a lofty sanctum for Count Dooku. the political leader of the Separatist cause. Sith cunning and Jedi wisdom make Dooku a peerless exponent of manipulative propaganda—he affects a simple and saintly image and is called "Gentle Hand" by superstitious folk on innumerable worlds. From the ship's tower. Dooku transmits spiritualistic appeals to agitate and divide the galactic populace. Unless he is slopped, the Sith Lord will broadcast ihc holo-imagc of the captive Supreme Chancellor Palpatinc around the galaxy to crush Loyalist morale. Invisible Hand Damage Control The battle over Coruscant has a disastrous impact on Galactic City. Each crashing battleship scars the cityscape with a ten-kilometer (six mile) crater and the Shockwaves flatten I buildings in the vicinity. Daring rescuc-scrvice pilots fly tirelessly in countless civic emergency vehicles, saving crews from doomed ships and guiding the falling hulks to minimize damage and loss of life. Fircspeeders flock to spray-cool the plunging Invisible Hand’s flaming hull. Their invaluable assistance helps Anakin Sky walker to gain control of the wreck and make a relatively soft impact, saving the lives of thousands of innocent residents. Data File S Manufacturer: Free Dae Volunteers. Pammant Docks Make: Modified Pro\idence-c\ass carrier/destroyer <flN\ Dimensions: length 1088 m (3.570 ft): width 198 m (650 ft): height 347 m «ft (1.139 ft) Propulsion: 4 Nubian Creveld-4 radial ion drives Max. acceleration (linear, in open space): 2300G Max. speed (in standard atmosphere): 2000 kph (1.240 mph) Hyperdrive: class 13:40XXX) light-year effective range Crew: 600: up to 13 million deactivated battle droids Armament: 14 quad turbolaser turrets: 34 dual laser cannons: 2 ion cannons: 12 point-dcfcnsc ion cannons: 102 proton torpedo tubes Complement: 120 droid tri-fighters: 120 droid Vulture fighters: 160 MTTs (Multi Troop Transport): 280 assorted droid armored vehicles Fircthip capum Jikcdi Wu file» to ihc aid of ihc falling ScpvMiM naphip IN a bold strike at the galactic capital Coruscant. raiders from the Separatist flagship Invisible Hand have abducted Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The vessel waits in orbit with the Confederacy fleet as the droid kidnappers return with their valuable prize—but before they can flee, thousands of Republic battleships engage the craft, trapping it in an upper atmospheric combat within the planet's defensive shield. Invisible Hand is badly damaged by superior enemy guns, so Jedi rescuers Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker must find Palpatine in a rapidly decaying spaccwrcck. Ruptured compartments are flooded with fluidic coolants and propellants laced with invisible, exotic hypermatter fuels. Artificial gravity, tensor fields, and inertial compensators all begin to fail, as the crippled ship threatens to tear itself apart. The battle wages on. until Invisible Hand begins its meteoric fall toward the surface of Coruscant. Kolilted Rcpal»orl>ft he»! Antigratity life ytckcu Wounded Beast Imisible Hand attempts lo drift inconspicuously in Ihc concentrated shelter of Separatist battleships, destroyers, and frigates. Large numbers of droid Vulture fighters and tri-ftghtcrs duster protectively around the flagship. When Kenobi and Skywalker approach in their Jedi Interceptors, the ship's deflector shields are already failing—small areas of the hull arc open to attack from even the tiniest fighters. Anakin shoots out the atmosphere containment shield protecting the hangar entry, breaching the vessel's defenses. . Rcpul«*lif( proyrvtn® Chancellor Palpatine and the Ml pnvinm art her lo Ihc brMlfe lo (ace General Gr>c*ou> at the »hip begin» Ut Hoy docent mwanl ConiKant Shielded chanter» dell«« mo panicle riu lo generate braking ihniM iy4n># Infamous Tricks Under the command of the bloodthirsty General Grievous. Invisible Hand has played a key role in many of the Separatist cyborg’s most notorious forays into the Galactic Core. These include the release of the Locdorvian Brain Plague that slew Republic clone armies and nearly every human in the Wecmcll Sector. The ship was also used to supervise naval attacks on 26 strategic Loyalist worlds. These included the hour-long orbital bombardment that depopulated and melted the crust of the former city-planet of Humbarinc. an ancient founding world of the Republic. Loyalist agents have tried to track the vessel's movements, but Grievous frequently swaps Mid Rim patrols with her sister ship Lucid Voice to confuse the enemy. Mongol tfiiiriiKc'» atmucphenc »htcld projector «» «tcckcd by Amlin SI)U after* .Hock in hi» Jell Interceptor Stored ground ttkida -cl.de 160 NrtT. (Mult. Troop Tnatporu) ptu» 2SO ,4hcr >ch» k< including AAT» I Armored Awjuh Tank»». Mad tire dfOxh.tXi-V »p«Vr droid» and LXI-432 crab droid»
Sire-flgtn« ñigbi conno! bride; Star Destroyer - Venator class Men re irret mmhi-btr; up to ■ЮЙОО tont of ire 1 per iccond n mudii<jin pow«, The Galactic Republic’s new Viator-class Star Destroyer is fast enough to chase down blockade runners and big enough to lead independent missions such as the liberation of Utapau. A flotilla of these medium-weight, versatile multi-role warships can blast through the shields of a Trade Federation battleship with ease. The hangars of the Viator-class are much larger than older Star Destroyers like the Victory-class, and can support hundreds of fightercraft. The ship is also capable of planetary landings as a military transport and can be an escort for battleships in the Republic armada. However, the primary function of the Viator-class is its role as a fighting ship and starfighter carrier, making it a firm favorite with Jedi fighter aces. MaiCiiff. of flfrti Rk( io Open Crete temada, Aonihibticortactjcc âh React aot pump; and dicto. Tawer dick; cun psrnJkl io ¿X*il cidgr H«avy turbeliBBC turret ОрелСЗкЬ ttm.5d»,!i«n*’km Stxxbrd complement bc)i<fec 192 Vwmss, Hitt» com mind D0S*f4 Data File Manufacturer: Kuat Diivc Yards Make: Verao/or-class Star Destroyer Dimensions: length 1.137 m (3,729 ft); wing Span 54S in (1,797 ft); height (in flight) 268 m (87.9 ft) Max. acceleration (linear,; in open space): 3.000G Hyperdrive: Class 1.0; 60,000 light year effective range Crew: 7,400 Armament: S heavy tuit»olascr turrets; 2 medium dual turbolascr camions; 52 pomt-dcfcnSc laser cannons; 4 proton torpedo tubes; 6 tractor beam projectors Jk Complement: 192 V-wing fighters; 192 Eta-2 Aciis Interceptors; 36 ARC-170 fighters; 24 military' walkers. 40 l-AAT i (Low Altitude Assault Transport'mfantry ) gunships; miscellaneous shuttles Atmosphere ■ .vflir.ni.nt sbi-JJ rrojictorelre efcee Flifkc dick runt рлЫЫ tu ctetml Ншмг tjçfcûlly iMÜi 36 ARC-170 flgjnre; .Régional d-fbitor shield teomtor LAAT (Low-AJcitude Arault Tunipartv:uTui.i air creriet_ Eta-2 Леей krircepr«. LAAT.6 iLm» -Altitude AííxiI Tiaiipoit/luficcvi gunrhlp can diploy wbio ship ¡sin remosphretc r*v. a decked ship cc movtag tteigbt tnosfer cd egaipiwn! and troop; Brim iiti bill dtcki tun brexunully Capariten лап earegy :oJ discbicte ii » the ™. ARC i Aggressive R:C’on>-)T0 ftjjx« ecihanga Heavy-Duty Firepower A Venator-class Star Destroyers eight DBY-827 lreavv turbolaser turrets are tlie standard tequirenient in naval gunnery fot intense inter-ship combat and planetaty bombardment. The DBY-827's precise, long-range tracking mode enables it to hit a target vessel at distances of over ten light-minutes. while the turret can rotate in three seconds in its close-fighting, fast tracking mode Seven diffeient blast intensities piovide a choice between crippling shots and outright vaporization of tire enemy. Tire Venator-class, as a true warship, can feed almost its entire reactor output to its Ireavy guns wlien required Eevntion pivw tod vehici» Vtcttal Лскшг bay (ou the iuiänSve cd Geareal Suyw ulket, reúne Vr/tûJor-ciui thip; ft-svm aMrional STHA-T bsw aaüúüí beu ta Itcre-uie vrunl il repot* cil NUa l«jptudinid pou.« lù-. Atmrepb-re-' dicto Local пояс fleld guide; brip bafcwc 'Àïç- cnicture . Carrier Role Tlie long dorsal flight deck of the Venoier -class enables hundreds of starfigjners to launch rapidly. The slow opening and dosing of tire fleck's armored bow doors, howevei. can leave the vessel vubrerable Tliis weakr is compensated for by strong deflector sliielding around the deck’s entrain but tlie design flaw will be eliminated in future Star Destroyers. Trortar be-im Pow?r feed; to turret rotuico . пуч’Ьдг^сть Turrrl rut ¿tico
Expomivc viewport» provide maximum all-round visibiity / 1 jver rannonv fire plowing, »trolling beams of mavslcv* energy Jedi Daring By shunning proicciivc flight-suits, Anakin and Obi-Wan scl a brave example to inspire their clone pilots. A small breech in the canopy or ejection into space would spell certain death. Leading from the front has killed many Jedi in the last two years. However, the remaining Jedi assert that exhibiting a fighting spirit and leading directly Reduced form of Jedi Bendu-in»p*red emblem used in Unification Wars lhai formed the Galactic Republic over 2 5 XXXI years ago Jedi Interceptor R2-D2 act» as copilot or helps lock or. to targets Flight controls ACING home from the brutal Outer Rim sieges to rescue the kidnapped Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker waste no time scrambling to their fighters. Leading the Republic’s Hk _ aerial forces in their Jedi Interceptors, they flit through Monitor» Long barrel provide* amplified yield and exceptional range Starboard bow landing pud Joystick Agile Adversary aid uboup
construction accelerates in Kuat's cordoned shipyards and factories on Rothana. Dorsal turbolaser emplacement-"' Engine servicing release latches Power systems cooling neutrino radiator grille . Thruster particle stream channel Auxiliary thruster is less powerful than main Eight electromagnetic thrust-vectoring thruster, but greatly panels deflect exhaust particle streams affects turning due to to provide turning force further off-axis location Supportive Mothership \ Each Acclamator coordinates its forces strategically. Orbital bombardments with i high-yield proton torpedoes and surgical turbolaser strikes hit enemy fortifications when capture is not a priority. Armies entrenched deep underground may be subject to a last-rcsort "Base Delta Zero" fleet bombardment. Such operations reduce the upper crust of a planet to molten slag—a spectacle unseen in the Republic until the Clone Wars. Smaller lower! hangar receives clone troops / Action-ready gunships drop through hatch facing forward Hypcrdrivc generator Antigrav rcpulsorlifts support most of the ship's weight, but landing pads provide stable ground contact 22 AT-TE Walker Bulk transit shaft manifold Ramp extended. New Wave The vessels that ensured victory at dispersive neutronium impregnated hull cladding countless industrial spies and starship designers to reduce Kuat s competitive lead for the Galactic Republic’s new Barrack docks contracts. Rcndili's extensive system of platform Regional shield generator node Already the Arch-Provost of Rcndtlt and the Commissars of Grizmulll have ordered surround apertures 'Service lift platform descends to lower bay Each batallion marches in rows with two squads Data File Manufacturer: Rolhana Heavy Engineering (subsidiary of KDY) Make: Acclamator-class trans-galactic military transport ship Dimensions: length 752 m (2,466 ft); width 460 m ( 1.509 ft); depth (with landing gear); 200 m (656 ft); depth (in flight) 183 m (600 ft) Max. acceleration (linear, in open space): 3.500G Power: main reactor peak 2x10*' watts; peak shielding 7xl0*J watts Hyperdrive: class 0.6; range 250,000 light-years fully fuelled Cargo capacity: 320 speeder bikes; 80 infantry and cargo gunships; 48 armored walkers; 36 heavy self-propelled artillery pieces; 200,000 m’ (7,060,000 ft') cargo space in addition to hangar space and consumables Crew: 700 Passengers: 16,000 clone troops and support personnel Armament: 12 quad turholaser turrets (200 gigatons per shot); 24 laser ... cannons (6 megatons per shot); 4 missile/torpedo launch tubes Enemy fusion rockets barely score the super Gconosis arc sure to be copied by other shipbuilders loyal to the Republic. Point defense laser cannon AT-TEs stand ready at front of bays, with SPHA-T (Self Propelled Heavy Arlillcry-Turbolascr) vehicles stored behind Heavy combat vehicle service bay smaller shipyards across the Mid and Outer Rims of the galaxy are a strong advantage that may give them temporary ascendancy. Shape of Things to Come In the peaceful centuries preceding the Clone Wars, many larger and more powerful warships were built to defend rich industrialized sectors of Corcllia, Humbarinc, and Kuat. but their hyperdrive jump ranges were local. The return of truly trans-galactic warships anti armies is an ominous innovation. Main reactor is hidden within hull terraces, unlike the bulbous ventral protrusions of more powerful ships of Kuat’s sectorial fleet, such as the Mandaior-c\ass Star Drcadnaught and Pmcurator<lass Star Battlccruiscr Most habitable decks arc near dorsal terrace. Superstructure frame logistics Turbolift hangar hatch shaft 1 Brim notch improves clearance of cannons and shield circulation Reactant channels lead to reactor system I LAAT/c cargo carrier gunship lacks troop deck Logics \ reception \ bay. Annihilation reactant condensed in silos \ is denser than ship’s bulk by many orders of magnitude 1 Gunships circulating on rail undergo basic maintenance \ .Reactant valve module / Heavy strategic missile / and torpedo launch tubes Subsidiary reactor Starboard dorsal conduits of acceleration compensator and tensoriai integrity fields landing pad
Missile bells thread between engines, Heavy cladding around initial boost chamber Hcat-sink and latcmal shock Exhaust slats can tilt to direct thrust streams Damaged starboard engine is on fire internally • mi Rocket back-blast vent Tail rcpolsor and engine diagnostics- ' Fuel tank / S|>cc<tcr bike's power \ j cells and thrust exhaust V Speeder bike »cat-'-"'* Speeder bike's turbojet aincoop. Steering vanes Chain missile belt Armature Diverse Ordnance The l^AAT gunship's use of missiles and energy weapons provides complementary benefits. Whereas a blaster can almost instantly hit anything within a clear line of sight, a missile may go around obstacles and over the horizon. A missile can sometimes be dodged or shot down, while an energy beam cannot be intercepted, except by shield absorption. Missile payloads arc variable and mission-specific. Different classes of missile optimize the fusion or annihilation explosion for specific effects, including a simple omnidirectional blast, a fan or beamed blast, a dispersal of a cotTosivc antimatter shower, electromagnetic pulse effects, a sterilizing burst of hard radiation, or concentrated heat effects. Superficial bums from exhaust of launching missiles Data File Manufacturer: Rothana Heavy Engineering (local subsidiary of KDY) Make: LAAT/i (Low-Altitude Assault Transport/infantry) rcpulsoriift gunship Dimensions: length (clearance with guns) 17.4 m (57 ft); wingspan 17 m (55.7 ft); depth 6.1 m (20 ft) Max. airspeed: 620 kph (384 mph) Cargo capacity: 4 military speeder bikes; approx. 17 m* (600 ft’) in main hold (if troops absent) Consumables: 8 hours flying fuel (approx.) Crew: I pilot; I co-pilot/gunncr. 2 auxiliary turret gunners Passengers: 30 clone troopers approx.; I IM-6 Battlefield Medical Droid (stowed in emergency locker) Armament: 3 anti-personnel turrets (2 from; I back; 5x10* joules per shot); 2 mass-drivcr missile launchers (variable payload): 4 composite-bcam. pinpoint laser turrets (2 manned: 2 remote: 3x10" joules per shot); 8 light air-to-air rockets (6x10" joules per shot) Firing dish exploits non*' superposilioo of blaster energy to compose Turret variable tnbutaiy beams elevation gaak./ into a finely aimed. I .ill cannon defends troops scout vehicles exiling through stem hatch Airtight hatch to front compartments turning wreckage euideybelt fnctionlcsslv m lancine.- the cocspit Republic Gunship Tactical Advantage These strategic transport craft and their variants are maneuverable enough to fly low and exploit the natural cover of Gconosis* precipitous ravines and spires. Their long mass-drivcr barrels can accelerate projectiles up to hypersonic velocities. Once launched, mi wiles engage self-powered (light along either a programmed trajectory or following encry pted guidance signals. Telemetry (remote tin sight of the target. Tin-: GAtjCTic riii'Ubuc's LAAT/i (Low-Altitude Assault Transport/infantry) aerial gunships play a vital role in the battle oil Geonosis. These laclical transport crafl and their variants can cross impossibly rough terrain to swiftly and safely disgorge an enlire platoon of clone troopers or haul a slower armored vehicle Into position. Enemy fighters must either remain at high altitudes or surrender their speed advantage when pursuing,gunships helow the mountain level. A military transport ship's entire gunship complement ean'deiiyer more than 2.IHX) soldiers in several repeated waves. However, these Hying troop carriers are Versatile,gun platforms iii the right, too. They arc lighter and faster than mobile artillery and most ground vehicles, yet still carry a considerable arsenal. Massive twin missile launchers allow concerted over-lhc-hori/.on strikes oil slow or fixed targets such as enemy artillery and fortifications, in support of the advancing ground forces!' Two pairs of widely rotating blaster cannons defend the gunship with bolts of deadly precision. Finally, three chin- and tail-mounted laser cannons swivel and depress to devastate enemy infantry and other light ground assets. These guns are vital for clearing a path to deploy troops and vehicles—the fundamental function at which the LAAT-series gunships cx<&!. w«*-^ ■ Force-field effects of powerful inertial compensator keep the hold interior jolt-free, enabling uoops to ride in standing posture Powered, superdispcr inner-amtor spreads impact of enemy fire across entire hull Composite Beam Turrets The wing- and armature-mounted ball turrets enjoy a wide field of rotation in order to strike targets both above and below the horizontal plane. They are intended for defense against airborne hostile». The merger of precisely synchronized tributary beams confers pinpoint aiming precision far beyond that of the turret’s physical rotation. Missile feed ventilation ^ A clone trooper’s full combat armor is the basis of an integrated system in which tine gunships arc vital links. Individual troopers can receive command signals and relay status signals via this system. Troops also share tactical video from their helmet visors, with multispcctral imaging that penetrates smoke, fog. and the airborne soil of the most explosive battle/ones. The airtight and thermally regulated body glove is impervious to germ and chemical agents, and provides protection in space and hostile atmospheres. The armor's heat resistance allows troopers to stride through the scaring interfaces of theatre shields like lifeless Battle Droids, as well ns deflecting glancing blaster shots and damping direct hits enough to improve survival. Venerable emblem ol Galactic Republic unity Rcpulsoriift array power conduits Laser cannon power feeds Yellow mark of aircrew helmet Maintenance diagnostics computer ucees» hutches Cockpit capsule umbilical cables Clamp releases when escape capsule ejects Escape capsule’s lower separation surface Red warning light indicates rcur hold doom are open Crew ladders fold into ceiling --- Laser cannons clear ground resistance with variable sluits of up to five gigajoules Open viewports ■ double av sockets for docking clamps in maintenance hangars Handle to slide IM-6 Medical Droid Spceder-btkc pannier. Medical and survival gear stored in lockers Laser discharge stimulators Flexible power cable connects swivelling laser cunnc Forward laser cannon power convertor and capacitor array Scoi i Speeder Bikes A rack of <-ue-person miiiiai) Once below their altitu and has effective range of kilometers (6 miles) when in tripod ly dciica! n Fuselage main repulsor-vane array and wake of the battle lines. Wing turrets roll in any direction, but socket contact provides stability
Padme’s Starship Navigator station Anakin crew bonk Toolkit Gallev Orderly anil aesthetically arranged Naboo circuitry Astromech droid / hold (two stations) / i Stores Starboard stem repdlsor coils Reactor fuel tank Atended ng ramp Fuel baffles I THIS SLIM YACHT FROM THE ROYAL HANGARS of Naboo is llOt a Spacious diplomatic platform for long-range tours and conferences. It is a relatively fast ship suited to discreet getaways. Its security features include a powerful Naboo-style shield system, electronic countermeasures, and a last-resort passenger escape capsule. Queen Jamillia’s royal starships normally sil idle since she prefers to concentrate on Naboo’s domestic affairs, entrusting her external powers to Senator Padme Amidala. Thus, the smallest royal yacht is available and ideally suited for Pad me‘s undercover travels as the galaxy’s most threatened political target. Its small crew requirements minimize the risk of sabotage, allowing Padmc and Anakin to pilot the ship alone with back-up flight assistance from the droids C-3P0 and R2-D2. The yacht serves Padme and Anakin well in their dangerous journey from Tatooine to the neighboring Geonosis system. Coolant pump circulates a supcrfluid with enormous heat capacity to moderate the shield matrix during critical power spikes that cannot be radiated axvay quickly Tube containing turbolift platform connects upper and lower deck for fast access Auxiliary comscan station. Navicomputer bousing and power trunk Ship's manual Gleaming hull plating acts as passive physical radiation shielding Deflector shield projector modules Anakin s Main reactor Shield hcat-smk and radiator matrix converts unusable energy surges into heat for disposal Shield generator Connection to main reactor above Starboard antigrav generator \ Ait lock Hull substrate Power node Power trunk starboard fork R2-D2 s station (unused) Inconspicuous T ransport The yacht is the smallest non-fighter vessel kept in the hangars of Thccd Palace. Its simplified systems reduce maintenance time, making it ideal for secretive, unsupported excursions. It is much faster than most other civilian ships, and its narrow profile and sheltered engines amount to a small sensor signature. Thus the ship is well suited for evading the grasp of shadowy pursuers. pvpíps** Ionization chamber K ESPECTED N ABERRIK Upon her return to Naboo. Padme seeks the security of close friends and allies in the district of her birth. Here, as on Coruscant, she is addressed as "M'lady," instead of “Senator,” as protocol dictates given her yea« of service as Naboo’s elected Queen. When she spontaneously decides to accompany Anakin to Tatooine, the Naboo authorities arc ready to trust Padme's instincts and commandeer a royal starship for her use. PadnuS runs the initial prcflight check, Pilot station Slim, aerodynamic shape facilitates unshielded hypersonic flight in atmosphere _ I latch to access forward - maintenance passage, which is only unblocked when landing gear is out Emergency particle flare launcher — Explosive bolts fill gap between capsule and hull -Traditional Naboo handcrafted bed \ Bow forward scanners Communications arrav Forward dorsal power spine Emergency aerial Forward maintenance cnswlwav a in power spine passes through hypcrdrivc core Explosive bolts C-3PO Complex magnetic ducts guide ion M stream past intruding j|i landing gear housing Flank detlector shield projectors Subligiil ^ Landing gear Propulsion systems maintenance console Hypcrdrivc core Thronc/bcdfoot Bright floor marks denote hardpoints and bulkheads Stf.a i :i h v A pprc>ach When nearing and landing on Gconosis. Padmd and Anakin lower the yacht's shield power to reduce easily dctectible energy by-product emissions. An unshielded or lightly shielded ship passively hurtling down into a planet’s atmosphere might be mistaken for a meteorite, and. since Geonosis is surrounded by a rocky planetary ring. Anakin guesses correctly that its scanner technicians are lazy about meteor-like detections. drive oarticle xit ring Bcru Whitcsun ' Starboard inertial compensator Owen Lars Security Sensitivity The Trade Federation occupation significantly changed Naboo defense policy, with increased harmony between Naboo and Gungans resulting in coordinated action plans to withstand any new siege. Gungan shield expertise was combined with Naboo power generation to form a global shield network that activates in minutes to repel any bombardment or hostile landing. The need for such effective, if discreet, homeworld defenses is popularly supported. Captain Panaka's Security Forces have a healthy supply of volunteers, and Theed Palace engineers are designing a steady series of new starships to convey their dignitaries. Data File Manufacturer: Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps Make: Customised 11 type Nubian yacht Propulsion: 2 Nubian Sosscn-3 ion drives Dimensions: length 47.9 m (157 ft); width 8.1 m (26.7 ft); depth 7.1 m (23.3fl) Max. acceleration (linear, in open space): 2.S00G Max. speed (in standard atmosphere): 8,000 kph Power: mam reactor peak 7x10'* raw; peak shielding 2xI0IJ mw Hyperdrive: Nubian 150 core and S-5 generator (class 0.9; range 20.000 light years fully fuelled) Crew: 1 pilot; 1 co-pilot; 2 optional (navigator/comscan plus shield operator): 2 astromech droids Passengers: 1 prestige cabin Armament: none 17
Navigator Wing articulation Yellow light indicates that mine is primed Minelayer magazine. Thruster Iron drive pre-accelerator. Power generator Engineering Cannon i
Naboo Cruiser Lifc-support ,air-scrubber Condensed oxygen tanks Comscan operator ,and navigator stations Handmaidens' .chamber Pilot stations Few are surprised when Padme Amidala descends from the throne of Naboo into the wider responsibilities of an appointment to the Senate. In fact, her esteem at the Naboo court remains so high that she continues to use a starship that features the highly distinctive chrome plating and sleek sculpting previously reserved exclusively for monarchs. Befitting one of the latest models from Theed Hangar, the Naboo Cruiser is so finely polished that only the intentionally decorative seams remain visible. Though not armed itself, the Cruiser travels with a guard convoy of starfighters, ' which escorts the V ship to its ill-fated arrival on Coruscant. Cooling shutter exposes radiator and regulates engine cooling Scat for receiving petitions or chairing negotiations Main access door with extensible ramp Audience/conference seating v Stasis-ficld horticapsulc prolongs the feeble centennial bloom of Naboo bhansgrek bush . ^ Data File Manufacturer: Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps Make: J-type custom-built diplomatic barge Dimensions: length 39 m (128 ft); width 91 m (298.5 ft); depth 6.8 m (22.3 ft) Max. speed (in standard atmosphere)'. 2,000 kph (1.240 mph) Max. acceleration (in space): 2.500G Power: main reactor peak 3xl0i: megawatts; peak shielding 6x 1012 megawatts Hyperdrive: Nubian 288 cores; S-6 generators (class 0.7; range 80,000 light years fully fuelled) Crew: 1 pilot; 1 co-pilot; 3 others optional (navigator/comscan/ shield operator); 5 astromcch droids Passengers: 4 prestige passengers; 6 guards Armament: none Türbolift to „ cargo hold Crew locker Daring Assassination Forward portsidc sensor array Power generator Coolant pumps Hyper-pressurized fuel tanks Fuel tank compressor bottles Landing gear fairing Past-rcactor Fighter recharge socket Hyperdrive-navicomputer control links Shield conduits and projector modules follow hull outlines ■Coolant ducts Thrustl I | feeds \ connect to nozzle ring \ thermal sink I WF \ Electromagnetic Deflector W \ Reaction chamber aumt.Ycaoting shield I \ vanes projectors I \ Magnetic turbine / Cooling grid Portsidc hyperdrive corei radiates waste lKS,uos,M“ Lessons Learned 1 many of the drawbacks suffered I Starship during the infamous rs earlier. The new ship is more-powerful shield generator. Boarding Power transmission for shield generator iHyperdrive maintenance access hatch Turbolift to crew deck' Portside repulsor Reliable Transport : As a leading emissary, Padml has relied on her graceful diplomatic ship on scores of missions placating disgruntled factions throughout her sector. Even in this sturdy vessel, however, a thorough home constituency tour could last a lifetime in Padm^’s lightly populated Chommell JThcrmal-sink matrix absorbs excess heat from reactors and thrusters Portsidc-wing rcpulsor-array Starfighter.; ^ docked in recharge socket Fighter recharge socket
A Pilot’s Best Friend The onboard aslromcch droid, a standard R2 type, pcrfonns in-flight systems management and flight performance optimization as well as offering limited repair capabilities. The pilot-droid configuration has long proven ideal for small space fighter craft and will probably continue to do so for generations to come. —• - ✓' Rear center finial / Hyperdrive / plugs into socket in fighter revetment Power charge collector Battle computer interface Naboo N-l Starfighter I he single pilot Naboo Royal N-l Starhghter was developed by the Thecd Palace Space Vessel A Engineering Corps for the volunteer Royal Naboo Security Forces. Sleek and agile, the small N-l faces aggressors with twin blaster cannons and a double magazine of proton torpedoes. Found only on Naboo and rarely seen even there, the N-l, like the Queen's Royal Starship, uses many galactic standard internal components in a custom-built spaceframc that reflects the Naboo people’s love of handcrafted, elegant shapes. The Naboo engineers fabricate some of their own parts such as fuel tanks and sensor antennas, but most of the high-technology gear is acquired through trade from other, more industrialized worlds. The Theed Palace engineers developed a customized engine system, however, based on a standard Nubian drive motor but modified significantly to release fewer emissions into the atmosphere. The Naboo being a peaceful people, the Space Fighter Corps is maintained as much through tradition as for military defense, and primarily serves as an honor guard for the Queen’s Royal Starship. Nonetheless, the Royal Naboo Security Forces train in the N-Is on a regular basis, prepared for the honor of serving the Queen in combat if necessary, since service to the Queen symbolizes service to the great free people of Naboo themselves. R2 aslromcch droid: the ship's computer and systems plug into the droid's head and body from within Windshield (slides forward for boarding) R2 unit computer Art and Design While the long “rat-tail” flnials projecting from the engines may look like design flourishes, they arc in fact part of the customized engine system developed by the Thecd Palace engineers. The flnials arc actually heat sinks, which circulate coolant and help dissipate the excessive heat of the Nubian engines. The customized Naboo engine configuration bums hotter than normal so as to bum more cleanly, . since the Naboo people arc very careful not to pollute their planet’s environment. The needed heat sinks were configured into the elegant flnials in the inspiring combination of art and engineering found in the best Naboo design work. Electromag signal receiver / Anakin / / Sky waiter Power node Laser fire control processor Acceleration compensator Laser stabilizing field generator prevents unstable laser bolts from backfiring and damaging the ship That Gleaming Royal Look The N-l fighter sports a gleaming chromium finish on its forward surfaces. Purely decorative, this finish indicates the ship’s royal allegiance. Early Naboo spacecraft required a chromelike finish for protection from harmful rays in the planet's upper atmosphere. Now that spacecraft and their pilots are fully shielded from such rays by electromagnetic field technology, the chrome finish is retained for tradition and kept as a royal symbol. Only royal ships may carry the hand-finished royal R2 unit leg clamps To fit into the small N-1's droid socket, the onboard _ R2 unit is loaded into the fighter from below. The droid's legs telescope into themselves slightly, and then the droid's head telescopes upward from his body cannon Lifc-support systems Power cells [finding gear ____ Communications antennas Customized high-tempcrature combustion chamber \ Royal chromium finish Receiver High-Voltage Rat-Tail The center “rat-tail" finial projecting from the rear of the N-l is a vital component, linking the ship to the palace hangar systems via a plug-in socket found at the rear of each ship’s protective revetment area. The primary purpose of this finial is to receive high-voltage power chaige energy delivered from the palace generators to activate the ship’s systems. I^argc transformers and converters can be seen on cither side of the plug-in sockets in the fighter revetment. The secondary purpose of the center finial is to receive coded information from the palace battle computer. This computer will download information only in the primary security room and through these fighter sockets, preventing any spies from being able to acquire battle information from the palace. The palace battle computer transfers complete battle coordinates and strategic plans into each fighter, allowing the pilots to concentrate on operating their ship’s systems while the flight computer automatically directs the ship on a trajectory to the target zone. Engine-bearing structural member Fuel pumps and hydraulic system pressurizer Data File Design and manufacture: Spaccframe by Thecd Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps Configuration: J-typc (twin radial sublight engines) Length: 11 m (36 ft) Sublight engines: Nubian 221. modified Hyperdrivc: Nubian Monarc C-4 Crew: I pilot, assisted by I mandatory astromcch droid Armament: twin laser cannons: proton torpedo magazine with capacity of 10 torpedoes Torpedo launcher assembly Ionization chamber Torpedo magazine (ship carries (win magazines of 5 torpedoes each) Sensor lines Proton torpedo Pressure manifold Torpedo firing chamber chargers Binocular rangcfindcrs. . targeting, and flight sensors Protective nacelle dome
Naboo Queen’s Royal Starship The royal starship of Queen Amidala of Naboo is a unique Royal Chromium starship handcrafted by the Theed Palace Space Vessel A mirrored chromium finish gleams over the Ihe royal starship of Queen Amidala of Naboo is a unique starship handcrafted by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps. Completed six years ago, the Royal Starship replaced the previous royal vessel before Queen Amidala came to office. The gleaming craft, usually helmed by the Queen’s chief pilot Ric Olte, conveys Queen Amidala in matchless style to locations around Naboo for royal visitations, parades, and other observances. The ship also carries Amidala on formal state visits to other planetary rulers or to the Galactic Senate at the capital world of Coruscant itself. It is designed for short trips, and accordingly features limited sleeping facilities, primarily dedicated for the ruler and a customary entourage. Expressing the Naboo love of beauty and art, the dreamlike shape of the Queen’s ship, together with its extraordinary chromium finish, make it a distinctive presence in any setting. The starship is made to embody the glory of the Naboo royalty, symbol of the noble spirit of the Naboo people. Service to the Queen is a great honor, and the design of a Royal Starship is the highest goal to which a Naboo engineer can aspire. Every centimeter of the ship’s wiring is laid out (,n a with exacting precision, neatly run in perfect parallel Forward hold rows, making the ship a work of art in every respect. Royal Chromium A mirrored chromium finish gleams over the entire surface of the Royal Starship from stem to stem. Purely decorative, this finish indicates the starship’s royal nature. Only the Queen’s y own vessel may be entirely chromed. Royal Starfighters are partly chromed, and non-royal Naboo ships bear no chrome at all. The flawless hand-polished chrome surface over the entire Royal Starship is extremely difficult to produce and is executed by Starboard sensor I traditional craftspeople, not by array dome factory or droid equipment. Main hold. Tech station Jar Jar Binks Lift to lower deck Hyperdrive bay (in floor) Royal quarters Nubian at Heart The starship's unique spaceframc was manufactured at Theed, yet the ship makes use of many standard galactic high-technology components that cannot be produced on Naboo. The ship is built around elegant Nubian 327 sublight and hypcrdrive propulsion system components, giving it high performance and an exotic air. Nubian systems are often sought a by galactic royalty and discriminating buyers who appreciate the distinctive design flair of Nubian components. Nubian equipment is easily acquired on / ':£% civilized worlds but can be hard .yjgjjjM to obtain on more remote / planets, as the Queen / j discovers during her / jjnk .• forced landing on jj Tat oo inc. /, AQ Navigation light recess, Navigation floodlight. Power node Communications antennas Forward long-range sensor array ng throughout the ship is / out with exacting care and ision to honor the Queen Forward bulkhead Navigational sensors lector shield projector \ 12 Obi-Wan Kcnobi Starboard deflector shield generator Data File Design and manufacture: Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps (spaccframc only) Configuration: J-typc (twin radial sublight engines) Length: 76 m (250 ft) Sublight engines: 8 Hyperdrive: Nubian 327, class 1.8 Flight crew: 2 (pilot and co-pilot), 8 astro-utility droids for maintenance and repair Ancillary crew: up to 6 additional depending on mission (may include communications officer, engineer, navigator, diplomatic aide, security officer, bosun, or other specialists) Armament: none, peaceful ambassadorial ship Rie Olié at pilot’s station Heat-sink engine finial Royal Throne Room Qui-Gon Jinn Cockpit Queen Amidala Droid lift tube hatch Droid 13
The Salon Pod The Republic Cruiser often serves as a neutral meeting ground for Republic officials and leaders of groups in conflict. To accommodate the many kinds of alien physiology in the galaxy, customized salon pods arc available in the hangars on Coruscant, and the Republic Cruiser can be equipped with any of these. In emergency situations, the entire salon pod can eject from the cruiser with its own sensors and independent life*support gear ready to sustain the diplomatic party on board. Communicating in a Diverse Galaxy In order to communicate with any culture it may visit, the Republic Cruiser sports a wide variety of dish and other communications antennas. (Years ^ later, the Empire will standardize communications across the galaxy. \ making such an array unnecessary.) On board the cruiser, two \ communications officers specialize in operating the communication computers, deciphering strange languages, and decoding the complex signal pulses of unorthodox alien transmissions. Rocket engines provide escape thrust for salon pod Navigational sensor dish Wiring and systems trunk Captain's storage Salon pod magnoclamps Multi-comm station, formal dining room. Automated docking signal receiver v Upper deck state rooms, Navigator's stationv Cockpit Standard space docking ring / Escape pod I access tunnel (from lower deck) 1 Primary power cell Salon pod. breakaway cowling Salon vestibule Main salon pod airlock doors Hologram pad 1 Main forward sensors Charged fuel line Salon pod independent sensors Captain’s quarters Interchangeable diplomatic salon pod Sealing for 16 beings Fuel driver \ Fuel atomizer cone Tight Security Civilian models of the Corellian Cruiser are used for straightforward transport purposes, but the scarlet Republic Cruisers arc dedicated to the special objectives of galactic political service. To accomplish their missions. Republic Cruisers must often rely on their reputation as absolutely secure vessels for high-level diplomatic meetings and confrontations. For security reasons, crew is kept to a bare minimum, with many ship functions attended by simple utility droids. Data File Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Make: Space Cruiser Length: 115 m (380 ft) Sublight engines: 3 Dyne 577 radial atomizers Hypcrdrive: Longe Voltrans tri-arc CD-3.2 Crew: 8 (captain, 2 co-pilots. 2 communications officers, 3 engineers) Passenger capacity: 16 Armament: none (unarmed diplomatic vessel) Escape pods: two 8-pcrson pods plus salon pod Radiation dampers \ Igniters Ion generator ring ionizes ignited fuel prior to turbine injection Mid-deck corridor Color Signal The striking red color of the Republic Cruiser sends a message to all who see it. Scarlet declares the ship’s diplomatic immunity and serves as a warning not to attack. Red is the color of ambassadorial relations and neutrality for spacecraft of the Galactic Republic, und has been for generations. The tradition will continue even into the days of the Empire: Princess Lcia Organa's consular vessel Tantive IV of Aldcraan is striped in red to indicate its special diplomatic status. The extraordinary full-red color scheme of the Republic Cruiser signifies that the ship comes straight from the great capital world of Coruscant. 8-pcrson escape pod
Propulsion The sub uses rotating fins to cycle water through an electromotive field that actually drives the ship. The fins contain fiat, flexible electronic units linked in series, which send electrical impulses down their length, pushing the water along. Combined with the ~ ~;!^SsSSiifcrn rotating fins, this electromotive field can grab fiv onto and displace a great deal of water, hurtling the sub through the sea at great speed. Data File • Design and manufacture: Otoh Gunga Bongameken Cooperative Make: tribubble bongo sub Length: 15 m (50 ft) Cargo capacity: 800 kg (1800 lb) in each of 2 cargo bubbles Crew: 1 (with 2 passengers) Special features: the forward cockpit can eject as an escape pod in emergencies, but can sustain its hydrostatic field only briefly, so it must race for the surface in case of a disaster before its power runs out Flexible electromotive fins drive and steer the sub, Electromotive impulse field carriers Secondary drive fin (can carry reverse impulses) ie dome at the base of the is both rotates them and ovides the power impulses r the electromotive field Buoyancy The sub maintains buoyancy through the use of spongelike hydrostatic chambers. These chambers work like the diving organs of some sea creatures, changing density via the absorption and emission of a heavy oil in a “lifelike” way to control buoyancy and make the sub rise or sink. The power unit just inside the rear of the ^ sub provides primary power for the electromotive field and the cockpit field generators. All the rest of the sub’s systems require little energy compared to these high-power systems. The sub’s repulsorlift discs (on the underside) are typically used only for launch and docking, when ¿f- the electromotive field is not in use Mm Hydrostatic field generators Gungan Sub Pen ' 4ig|p|r To outside eyes the Gungan sub pen might look like an i elaborate and beautiful structure of special significance; however, within Otoh Gunga it is just an ordinary docking port. Gungans believe that everything they make speaks of who they are, and that anything they construct should add to the beauty of their world. Hydrostatic field receptors Hydrostatic Bubbles The cockpit bubbles of the sub work on the same principle as the bubbles enclosing the underwater city of Otoh Gunga and the sub pen shown above. A hydrostatic field is projected between the prong over each cockpit and the margins where the bubble meets the sub body. The prong and the powerful receptors in the bubble margin act as opposing poles. A force current running between these two poles creates the hydrostatic field of the cockpit bubble that holds air in and water out, while still allowing solid objects to pass through. Trim control oil cyclers Buoyancy chamber Navigational light Gungan Sub Ihis kind of submersible is a common utility transport in Otoh Gunga, designed to carry passengers, cargo, or both. The forward cockpit bubble carries only pilot and passengers, but the side bubbles can carry either passengers or cargo depending on whether they are fitted with seats. The sub’s distinctive form originates from both the Gungans’ construction methods and their love of artistic design. The Gungans produce many of their structures using a secret method that actually “grows” the basic skeletons or shells of buildings or vehicles. This gives Gungan constructions a distinctive organic look, which is then complemented by artistic detail, even on simple vehicles like the sub. Gungan organically generated shells can be combined to make complex constructions and then modified and fitted with electronic and mechanical components to give them the needed functionality. The organic skeletons are exceptionally strong, though still susceptible to damage by some of the larger sea monsters encountered in deep waters. Naboo cargo ^. ... . containers, Triple-powered hydrostatic bubble projector unit hinges at rear for cargo/passenger loading The Arm’s-length Relationship The rectangular cargo containers in the cargo pods àof the sub are Naboo-made. While the leaders of j, Naboo and the Gungans have little contact, out of necessity a significant amount of trade goes on at the fringes of each society, and just as Naboo trade goods arc vital in the underwater cities of the Gungans, Gungan jpfilllfe: products and food supplies are vital to the Naboo people. The two societies pretend not to need each other but are actually greatly intertwined. Organically generated structural skeleton, t cargo bubble Cockpit bubble Obi-Wan Kenobi in the pilot’s seat Guidance and control console Motive field carriers Control linkage Water quality sensors Starboard hydro-com antenna Mechanical fittings ducted through organic skeleton Life- support gear Sensor array Jar Jar Binks/ Forward diving plane is equipped with an electromotive field for greater effectiveness
Landing Ship MTT being guided down ramp for deployment Deployment ramp Battle droid troop transport column _ AAT columns Power coupling Power cells Structural beam energized by fore-wing tensor field Antigravity stabilizer node When plans for the ground forces of the Trade Federation secret army had begun to take shape, methods of deployment came under consideration. The Haor Chall Engineering ilcid generator' works produced a design for a landing craft that would carry the attack vehicles and troops to ground sites from Trade Federation battleships and, after a period of much-debated development, the C-9979 configuration emerged as the choice of the Trade Federation armaments committee. Related in design to commercial cargo barges in the trade fleet, these huge, double-winged ships were built for the sole purpose of transporting AATs (battle tanks), battle droids, and MTTs (large transports) from orbiting battleships to strategic positions on planet surfaces. The C-9979 offers tremendous antigravity lifting capacity, which is necessary for the heavy armored cargo. Equipped with defensive laser cannons as well, the mighty C-9979 presents a bizarre and menacing shadow in the skies of any threatened population. Mechanized Crew A relatively small droid crew operates the C-9979, in keeping with the Trade Federation reliance on completely automated soldiery. Droid pilots steer the ship and robot gunners work the cannon stations, which serve to defend the landing ship on its way down. Along the front of the wings are a series of maintenance and repair shops, also run by droids, which service and maintain the attack-force components, especially individual battle droids, which need realignment and repair after battle engagements. Radiant ion drive engines Tensor field effect pulls on key structural girders, increasing strength and keeping structure locked in place. Repulsor field stabilization assemblies AATs are/ overlapped for maximum storage capacity Induction power generator Blaster cannon energizer pack Main antigravity amplifiers Wmg-Up blaster cannons Super-magnum carbide antigravity repulsor coils -Transformer and power stabilizing system maintains and equalizes the high power levels needed for heavy lift capability Droid maintenance and repair shops 6 Loading C-9979 landing ships are berthed in hidden hangar areas of the Trade Federation battleships. Here they are assembled, serviced, and maintained, and when ready for deployment they are loaded with MTTs, AATs, and troop carriers which have been prepared for combat. Landing ships are stored in an unloaded condition to reduce structural stress and so that the attack craft can be serviced individually. Electromagnetic transport clamp-on rail will guide MTT down deployment ramp Pressure charging turbine atmosphere intake, Control center Control signal receiver picks up vital signal from the Droid Control Ship MTT powers up its onboard , repulsors in staging area Deflector shield projectors Data File Design and manufacture: Haor Chall Engineering Wingspan: 370 m (1,200 ft) Hyperdrive: none Max. atmospheric speed: 587 kph (365 mph) Troop carrier capacity: 7 per wing; total 28 AAT (battle tank) capacity: 24 per fore wing, 33 per aft wing; total 114 MTT (large transport) capacity: 3 per fore wing, 3 in stage area, 2 in landing pedestal; total 11 Crew: 88 (droids only) Armament: 2 pairs of wing-tip laser cannons, 4 turret-mounted cannons Wing-tip plating is an alloy composite transparent to repulsor effect Fore-wing tensor field generator Radiator panel for tensor power system Forward tensor field generator increases load-bearing ability of wing mounts MTT garage Antigravity rails support MTTs Main deployment doors include perimeter field sensors to detect possible land mines, electrical fields, and other hazards MTT preparing to back into position over deployment ramp i Foot ramp i Atmosphere pressure charging turbines Storing the Transport C-9979s are built with removable wings so they can be stored efficiently. Powerful tensor fields bind the wings to the fuselage when the ship is assembled for use. The huge wings of the C-9979 would tax the load-bearing capabilities of even the strongest metal alloys, making tensor fields vital for the integrity of the ship. Forward-mounted tensor fields bind the wing mounts firmly to the fuselage, while wing-mounted tensor fields keep the span of the wings from sagging. MTT moving 1 out for battle position Deployment The wings of the landing ship contain rows of MTTs, AATs, and battle droid troop carriers racked in garage channels for maximum loading capacity. For deployment, the attack vehicles are guided along repulsor tracks to a staging platform. MTTs in particular require the assistance of the repulsors built into these tracks, because their onboard maneuvering equipment is not precise enough to negotiate the cramped confines of the garage zones without causing collision damage. At a staging platform, the vehicles are rotated into position and seized by transport clamps, which draw them aft and guide them down the drop ramp in the landing ship’s “foot.” The great clamshell doors of the “foot” then open wide to release the ground forces. Deployment of the full load of vehicles on board a C-9979 can take up to 45 minutes. 7
Cockpit access tube Blaster targeting rangefmder Shock absorber Piston drive prcssurizcr. Flat plate piston drive Knee joint brake Reinforced heavy armor Energizer and drive control systems.— Footpad yaw strut Footpad Backpack charger troop bench > High-speed cable winch , Upper deck officer Up to 40 snowtroopcrs awaiting deployment ASSAULT CARRIERS AT-AT walkers can unleash their assault forces in several rapid waves using drop-lincs with attached harnesses. Boom racks extend to drop combat troops and equipment over the side. Speeder bikes arc deployed using harnesses at front and back. . Atmosphere intake Extensible deployment cable rack ^ Energizer rods . Fuel cell Deployment harness, Fuel pump____ mm Æm !pi m ! ram m f 1 H Ü iWmjg v WÊrm 1 RbJ ! o v yjjtffNsLriHEIt j 1« T 1 : Wv \\yV( . y f »1 Itr A Í ■ V" H n'ij 71 " u A /Targeting computers , Medium blaster cannon ^Viewport . l-'orward sensors Speeder/ bike garage Deployment. staging platform Heavy braces / at these points lock AT-ATs into their landing barges Knee joint cover Service access cover. Class II heavy laser cannon . Laser power cell All-Terrain Abilities The thick armor plating of the Imperial walker makes it too heavy for effective rcpulsorlifts. hence its huge legs for striding over obstacles and rugged terrain. While steep hillsides or deep swamps can thwart the progress of the walker, AT-AT pilots can guide walkers across surprisingly rugged ground. Vehicle commander Holographic communicator Ringed electromagnet systems enable the neck to flex Ankle drive llu motor A I, . Ankle pitch brake Command Cockpit The walker’s heavily armored head serves as a cockpit for the two pilots and the vehicle commander. On its exterior are mounted the vehicle’s weapons systems. While both pilots arc fully qualified to perform all control functions, in normal practice one serves as driver while the other acts as gunner. Firing controls can at any time be yielded to the vehicle commander, who uses a periscope display capable of tactical and photographic readouts. The two pilots arc guided by terrain sensors under the cockpit and ground sensors built into the feet of the vehicle. Scans read the nature and shape of the terrain ahead, assuring infallible footing. Toe flap Terrain sensor computer. .Toe flap piston c- Terrain scanners AT-AT Impulse terrain sensor, Macrobinocular vicwplatc Scout trooper wearing heated suit Antipersonnel pursuit gun Power/heater pack Deployed as weapons of terror, the gigantic Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport walkers advance inexorably on the battlefield like unstoppable giants. These behemoth monsters are shielded with heavy armor cladding, making them invulnerable to all but the heaviest turbolaser weaponry. Blaster bolts from ordinary turrets and cannons merely glance off the walker’s armor or are harmlessly absorbed and dissipated. A powerful reactor produces the raw energy needed to move this weighty battle machine. Cannons in the movable cockpit spit death and savagery at helpless foes below, cutting a swath of destruction which the mighty footpads then crash through. Breaking enemy lines with its blaster fire and lumbering mass, the walker functions as a troop carrier, holding in its body platoons of crack assault soldiers, ground weaponry, and speeder bike antipersonnel/reconnaissance vehicles. When this cargo of terror is released into the chaos and destruction a walker has created, another Imperial victory is nearly complete. Speeder Bikes AT-AT walkers usually carry a set of high-velocity repulsorlift speeder bikes for scouting or survivor-hunting missions. The speed and agility of these bikes complement the plodding might of the walkers, making the combined assault capability thorough and overwhelming. The colossal size and nightmarish animal resemblance of the AT-AT combine with its combat strengths to give it tremendous psychological power. Until the Battle of Hoth. no army had ever fought resolutely against an onslaught of walkers, so frightening and devastating is their presence.
Rangefinders Laser charge battery Bunker-busting shells Heavy solid plate armor. AAT (Battle Tank) Designed and built by the Baktoid Armor Workshop for the Trade Federation secret army, the AAT (battle tank) carries a crew of four battle droids into combat, presenting the enemy with a heavily armored facade and a blistering hail of assault fire from five laser guns and six energy shell launchers. Their deployment on Naboo is their first use in open combat, but the tanks have seen considerable training action, leaving them scarred and weathered. The AAT is designed for head-on combat in formal battle lines and is accordingly very heavily armored up front. In fact, the nose of the AAT is almost solid armor, designed to crash through heavy walls with impunity. Secondary laser guns. Inside the Cockpit Primary laser A droid pilot guides the AAT and cannon provides targeting information to the two gunners. The pilot uses a stereoscopic camera which relays information into a periscope scanner. Data File Design and manufacture: Baktoid Armor Workshop Make: AAT (Armored Assault Tank) Length: 9.75 m (32 ft) Max. speed: 55 kph (35 mph) Crew: 4 battle droids (commander, pilot, 2 gunners) Armament: primary turret laser cannon; twin lateral range-finding lasers; twin lateral antipersonnel lasers; 6 energy shell projectile launchers Up to 6 ground troop battli droids can ride into battle using the 3 handholds on either side of the tank body Front hatch: pilot can open it for direct visual sighting if camera damaged AAI pilot Auxiliary status readouts. Short range blaster Air cooling intake / Armor-piercing Forward repulsor disc / shells Energy cocooning chamber Launch tube Rocket launcher armor plate Nose ram Top hatch Main cannon elevator The AAT’s energy shells cannot be replenished by the droid crew on board. Instead, the shells are reloaded when the tank returns to a landing ship or battleship, where mechanical facilities take the entire inside of the “foot” off the tank from below. A loaded replacement is then installed in its place. . High-energy Energy Shell Magazines shell Drive turbines Tank commander in seated position Mam hatchway Power converter (very hot) Left gunner Repulsor coils MOTORVATION The reactor and key power and communications gear are kept to the rear for protection. Heavy-duty repulsors (both disc and coils) keep the ATT just off the ground and propel it forward. Energy Shells The AAT’s six shell launch tubes can be equipped with a range of ammunition types. As they are launched, the shells are cocooned in high-energy plasma, which dramatically improves the shells’ penetration power and speeds them on their way, reducing friction. The AAT can be prepared for specialized missions with particular shell loads. Explosive Combination The three ammunition types carried as standard issue ordnance on the AAT (battle tank) include “bunker buster” high explosives, armor-piercing shells, and standard high-energy shells for antipersonnel and anti-vehicle use. “Bunker-buster” high explosive shell General purpose high-energy shells Battle droid with blaster command receiver antennas Blaster energizer STAP The Single Trooper Aerial Platform (STAP) is an agile flying conveyance designed for Trade Federation battle droids. Similar in design to individual repulsorlift “airhooks” used for civilian and military purposes elsewhere in the galaxy, the STAP performs scouting and anti-personnel hunting missions in support of the main battle projcctoi force actions. High-voltage energy cells power the compact machine for limited deployment sorties, after which they must return to be recharged. Able to travel swiftly and through dense vegetation, the flying STAP allows battle droids to ferret out resistance and destroy opposition with twin blasters. Battlefield sensors Turret rotation Turret rotation motor Four-chambered multi-reactor power plant 29
SW техника,Звездные Войны,Star Wars,фэндомы,длиннопост,AT-AT,тысячелетний сокол,Star Destroyer
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