SFTIE FIGHTER Long-range communications antenna THE FIRST ORDER'S feored Special Forces have considerable resources at their disposal. These include a specialized model of TIE fighter that packs additional armament into a craft designed for long-range operations away from a base or command ship. Special Forces TIEs are two-person fighters that carry a hyperdrive and deflector shields, as well as banks of high-yield deuterium cells that provide additional power to the engines, weapons, or shields and can be recharged from the TIE's solar panels. The TIE/sf's heavy weaponry and improved defensive capabilities make it a versatile attack ship suited to a range of mission profiles, from reconnaissance to combat operations. lllllllllltlllllHIIIIItt Rear gunner's viewport Seat restraints Gunner targeting Red hull shows Special Forces status WEAPONS PLATFORM The Special Forces TIE's deuterium cells drive o weapons pockage far more powerful than that of a TIE/fo. The TIE/sf's primary weapons are its front-facing laser cannons, but a heavy weapon turret and warhead launcher gives it a 360-degree field of fire ond the ability to deliver specialized ordnance. The pilot can fire all weapons, but the turret is ideally controlled by the TIE/sf's rear-facing gunner. Overdrive ion-flux cooling system Heavy-duty power coupling Twin reactors give greater redundancy and survivability Thrust nozzle Starboard ion reactor Miniaturized hyperdrive Rear gunner's seat Power trunking Left-hand flight control column Specialized alloy bracing frame Pilot's I SJFS L-s9.6 viewport laser cannon Deflector shield generator Pre<harged deuterium power cells MASS EFFECT Where the TIE/fo uses a single ion reactor aft of the pilot's seat, the TIE/sf derives power from twin reactors set on either side of the command pod. The TIE/sf's additional armament, shield generators, and power-cell banks create more heat than the craft can dissipate, a problem designers at Sienor-Jaemus have attempted to solve with an experimental ion-flux cooling system. All of these systems make the TIE/sf substantially heavier than a standard TIE, and the pylons between the command pod and wings have been reinforced with layers of alloy bracing. > MANUFACTURER Sienor-Jaemus Fleet Systems explosive booster > LENGTH 6.69 meters (21.96 feet) Phase two converter coils WEAPONS 2 Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems L-s9.6 loser cannons, SJFS lb-14 dual heavy loser turret, Kuot Drive Yards Arakyd SI7 concussion ond mog-pulse warhead launcher High-pressure radioactive gas fuel tank yhase one converter Heavy weapon turret > AFFILIATION First Order
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