The Virgin B1 Battle Droid (SKDfljPQQ Q®Q(DQ® ® High-pitched voices are annoying to listen to Tiny head Inert vocabulator Catchphrase is "Roger roger" Tiny waist with no flexibility Manufactured in the billions and deployed to countless planets; cheap garbage Can barely capture a Jedi if they're lucky Backpack that can't store things Catchphrase is oo®®©©©©® o® ®oo Forced to fight armies of clones Three-fingered hands to hold basic blasters Minimal joint rotation Tiny feet, unable to stand without support Head so large it's reused on a titan Mouthparts can generate ammunition They ARE the clones Fingerless hands wield massive mind-control sticks Caught the Toa with ease Has a spider mode vM NJ Huge feet, perfect balance j°int *0/ 0@O0© 0® flexibility ©0®0®0 ©OO© 'V >A
Bionicle,Лего,Lego, LEGO,,Vahki,SW Other,Звездные Войны,Star Wars,фэндомы,Virgin vs. Chad,без перевода,Bionicle,,Vahki,SW Other,star wars,fandoms,Virgin vs. Chad,memes
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